Tuesday 30 November 2010

December Sun

December is upon us, and I thought I would share my favourite track for the month. A good friend of mine showed it to me two years ago, and it has been my song of choice for every single walk in the December Sun ever since. The artist is called Alexander G Muertos, and you would get my eternal respect if you could find this song online (other than here). The guy has a mellow sound that is perfect for the cold snowy days that have hit London, when all you want to do is cover yourself up with a blanket and relax at home. He is nowhere to be seen, nearly non-existent online - but this song is always the first one on my soundtrack for the month. Enjoy!

I just created this video myself, spare the abuse. Download the song here.

1 comment:

  1. makes me wanna take a walk in the snow - than I realize that there is no warm december sun here and I stop after 5 minutes because I cant feel my toes anymore... but LOVE the song!
